January, 2020

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How to Increase eCommerce Sales with these Smart Retail A/B Tests


How do you know that your current approach to eCommerce is the best approach for your business? This is a tough question for many because it can be scary to think about what you’re not doing—and why. Plus, there are countless tactics in retail and the choices can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry, though! The good news is that there are ways to be confident in your decisions, and that starts with data.

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5 Tips For Boosting Retail Employee Engagement

Retail Next

Even as e-commerce has made its mark, traditional retail has continued to make up a huge portion of the business world, retaining its status as one of the biggest and most reliable sources of employment. While it’s generally easy to find retail workers, though, it’s considerably harder to retain them — after all, retail work is often viewed as a stopgap solution.


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Retail Budget Planning: 5 Lessons from Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy & Kohls


“Retail slowdown” is a plague that has affected many big-name companies. But when it comes to the survivors, there’s one overarching theme that connects them: Effectively enabling rapid AI adoption and moving to data-first modes of operation. When inspecting their formulas for success, it’s not a stretch to predict that a trend in 2020 will […].

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In-Store Product Placement Choices: Magnetizing Your Customer's Basket

Natural Insight

Want a store that overflows with customers? How about knowing where in-store product placements make the most sales impact? Let’s explore some of the magnetizing in-store best practices that crank up revenue, below.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Retail Trends for 2020

CJ Retail Solutions

Disruption, Responsibility and Veganism – effects on POS and retail. We’ve been saying (for what seems like many, many years) that one of the key upcoming retail trends will be a move towards enhancing engagement in store through digitalisation. The pace may be slower than first imagined, but its arrived with the increased introduction of RFID technologies, digital shelf edge labels and augmented reality.

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Product IQ: The Missing Ingredient In Most PPC Campaigns

Store Growers

Being good at Google Ads doesn’t mean that you can run and scale profitable campaigns. That might sound weird. But it is true. And the reason I know this is because I’ve failed at it plenty of times. Sometimes it was because the business wasn’t ready to run ads , sometimes it was because I was lacking in some other area. This article is about the last part.

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Augmented Reality Transforms In-Store Navigation

Retail Next

Digital transformation is sweeping through the retail industry and has changed the way consumers shop both online and at local stores. The competition between retail brands to capture shopper from one another in this environment will make or break many businesses going forward. Consumers familiar with the shopping experience expect a smooth process without glitches or frustration.

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What’s in store for 2020 and beyond? 6 trends shaping warehouses of the future

Retail Technology Review

In 2010, many warehouses would still have been regarded as a neglected cost centre. Now, moving into 2020, the warehouse is a carefully managed control centre and very often the strategic hub of e-commerce within an ever-extending supply chain.

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Our chosen charity for 2020…

Retail Design Solutions

We are proud to be supporting Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Service this year as our nominated charity and will be holding a few fund raising events through the course of the next 12 months. This is a really worthwile cause supporting the invaluable service they provide so any support that can be given throughout the year will be really welcome. You can find out more about the service, it’s aims, how it’s funded and how it benefits the area by following this link and perhaps join

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2020 Global Retail Trends & Innovations – Coming soon!

Retail Eye

J. C. Williams Group is proud to announce our new book in collaboration with the Ebeltoft Group: 2020 Global Retail Trends & Innovations! This new edition will be arriving soon, but here is a teaser of the great content to come. Retail is Ever-changing The future landscape of global retail Stores have become more relevant […].

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Industry Brief: 1.13.20

Fashion Retail Tech

Hi! Happy New Year! If you follow this newsletter you’ve noticed I’ve been radio silent the last couple of months. This is because I’ve been quite busy with a new job of becoming a mama. But, now that my baby girl is two months old and I’m *sort of* out of the initial fog, I thought I’d catch up on what’s been going on in the industry. I won’t go so far as to say this will be weekly this year because, well, I’ve got this new full-time job of being a mom plus my other full-time job, plus tr

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What is Category Management? Definition and Examples for Retail Professionals


At a broad level, category management is simple: to improve the customer experience, drive efficiencies for businesses, and deliver quality products and services that generate profits. As we all know, this isn’t as simple as it sounds. In reality, there is much more to category management. Category Management Definition. First of all, what is category management?

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How to Promote Your Store with a Social Media Contest

Retail Next

Social media contests used to be something that was only reserved for large corporate brands. Now, small- and medium-sized businesses are using social media contests to effectively grow their marketing channels, increase sales and boost customer acquisition. If you run an online store, you could host an Instagram contest that can drive traffic to your store.

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A Reality Check: You Lost A Lot of Sales This Holiday Selling Season

Graff Retail

The much-anticipated holiday season has now come and gone. Biggest selling opportunity of the year, right? How did you do? Move more merchandise than ever before? Keep the cash registers running at full tilt? Set an all-time revenue record? Good for you!! Now for the bad news. Your success wasn’t shared by every retailer. And […].

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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Ice cream alchemy…

Retail Design Solutions

We are proud to have been selected to partner with Dubai based brand ‘Ice Cream Lab’ to introduce a new store to the UK. The concept is based around creating fresh, unique ice creams using liquid nitrogen to fast freeze your selected mix in a matter of seconds and created in their own specifically designed machines which provide a sense of theatre as the process takes place.

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2020 Global Retail Trends & Innovations – Coming soon!

Retail Eye

J. C. Williams Group is proud to announce our new book in collaboration with the Ebeltoft Group: 2020 Global Retail Trends & Innovations! This new edition will be arriving soon, but here is a teaser of the great content to come. Retail is Ever-changing The future landscape of global retail Stores have become more relevant […].

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From Brexit to omni-channel fulfilment – a year-in-review for online retail

Retail Technology Review

By Joe Farrell, VP of international operations at PFS. Amidst ongoing political turbulence and the continued transformation of the modern high street, 2019 was a challenging year for retail to say the least. Brexit uncertainty, combined with the growing customer demand for sustainability and superior levels of customer service, has put substantial pressure on embattled retailers.

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How to Drive Revenue with Generation Z Sales


Generation Z has quickly become an incredibly important demographic for brands and retailers. According to a Barkley report, Gen Z—specifically those aged 16-24—has a total spending power of $143 billion. That means this group is expected to contribute billions of dollars in retail sales, spending a combination of earned income and allowance. Furthermore, there are an estimated 50 million or more Gen Zers in the U.S.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How to Start a Lovable Retailer Blog That Converts Visitors Into Customers

Retail Next

It’s a well-known thing that blogging offers a bunch of perks: an increase in web traffic and conversions, fresh and updated website content and customer loyalty for your retail business (to name just a few). Nowadays blogging isn’t just for startups, SaaS companies or influencers. Corporate blogs can become valuable assets for retailers as well. The truth is that all your prospective customers are online, and you should be there, too.

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8 Content Marketing Ideas for Retail Brands

Retail Next

Content marketing seems daunting and scary for many retail brands. ‘What should I even write about?’ is a question often raised, with those asking confused and perplexed. Well, this post is here to help! Below are the untapped, essential content marketing ideas for your blog, all of which can make your content shine. Make sure to bookmark this page and keep these ideas front of mind all year round!

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The 5 Best Digital Marketing Strategies for Retail Businesses

Retail Next

As more and more business takes place online, times are changing for retail businesses. Just because people are spending more time online, however, doesn’t mean non-Amazon retail businesses aren’t viable. In fact, the internet is crucial to the success of all retail businesses. . Forty percent of consumers buy more from retailers that provide a personalized shopping experience across digital and in-person channels.

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Retail Performance Pulse: Strong Second Half Propels December Store Results

Retail Next

The latest edition of the RetailNext Retail Performance Pulse has been published and is available for download, providing an overview of brick-and-mortar store performance for the retail month of December 2019 (December 1 through January 4 on the industry’s 4-5-4 calendar). Download the Retail Performance Pulse for December 2019 store results. With a late Thanksgiving Day holiday this year in the United States, December was looked to as a critical month for retailers to reach holiday season expe

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Exploring the Advantages and Hurdles of Direct Store Deliveries

Direct Store Delivery, or DSD, is a common practice among global suppliers and retailers – like PepsiCo, Frito Lay, CVS, and Dollar General – and its popularity is growing, with the global DSD market expected to reach $1.19 trillion by 2027. Download this eBook for exclusive insights into direct store deliveries, challenges, benefits, and future trends.

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How Better Digital Product Configurators Lead to Increased Sales

Retail Next

With modern digital tools, retailers can offer shoppers more personalization than ever — and shopper, in turn, have come to expect highly individualized shopping experiences. At the same time, customers who are adept virtual shoppers are beginning to miss some of the features of in-person shopping that you can’t get with virtual retail — like a chance to hold a product, view it from all angles and compare related models.

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2020: The year that will kick off a thriving decade in retail

Retail Technology Review

It has been one of the most tumultuous decades in the history of retail. 2019 will end with nearly 6,000 stores across the UK closing their doors as the industry is dusting itself off and searching for strategies that will provide a more prosperous future.

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eBay, O2, Sainsbury’s, Halfords, Nandos set to speak at the UK’s no. 1 digital retail show

Retail Technology Review

Retail professionals from eBay, O2, Sainsbury’s, Halfords, Nandos and Depop are among the big brand speakers at IRX (InternetRetailing Expo), the UK’s no. 1 digital retail show taking place on 1 & 2 April 2020 at the NEC, Birmingham.

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Recommerce, green data and sub-contracted intelligence; A peak into the new eCommerce decade

Retail Technology Review

As we enter mankind’s most digital decade, Wunderman Thompson Commerce (WTC) has released its Futures 2020 report, showcasing some of the biggest current trends in eCommerce.

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Disruption Reimagined: How to Conquer, Not Crumble, During Supply Chain Instability

Speaker: Robyn O’Brien - Founder of Sirona Ventures, Adjunct Professor at Rice University’s Business School, Supply Chain Optimization and Logistics Expert

Today’s supply chain leaders are required to stay strong in the face of disruption and not only accept it, but embrace it – after all, progress is made outside of your comfort zone. While it’s easier said than done, conquering the fear of instability in your supply chain is within your reach. Thanks to the advancement of technology and AI, we now have more tools and resources at our disposal than ever before to conquer, not crumble, in the face of uncertainty.

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India’s e-commerce market set to surpass US$91bn in 2023, says GlobalData

Retail Technology Review

The overall transaction value of the Indian e-commerce market is projected to grow from INR3.4 trillion (US$49bn) in 2019 to INR6.3 trillion (US$91bn) in 2023, says GlobalData, the data and analytics company.

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India’s e-commerce market set to surpass US$91bn in 2023, says GlobalData

Retail Technology Review

The overall transaction value of the Indian e-commerce market is projected to grow from INR3.4 trillion (US$49bn) in 2019 to INR6.3 trillion (US$91bn) in 2023, says GlobalData, the data and analytics company.

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Contextual commerce, loyalty, sustainability and payment preference will dominate eCommerce agendas in 2020, says Tryzens

Retail Technology Review

2019 saw the retail sector continue to battle to keep ahead in an environment of rapid market, technological and consumer behaviour changes. Couple that with disrupted spending habits, both in terms of level of spend and the channels consumers prefer to buy through, as well as rising costs, the UK uncertainty surrounding Brexit, and increased international competition, it all added up to another challenging year for retailers.

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Elastic Path acquires Moltin

Retail Technology Review

Elastic Path, the provider of headless commerce solutions, acquired commerce technology company Moltin to create what is claimed to be the industry’s only commerce platform that enables every business leader to quickly and easily leverage microservices to gain a competitive advantage in the market.

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Get MACH Ready with Orium, Commercetools, and Contentstack