February, 2019

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How to Gain the Most from Mobile Crowdsourcing


When it comes to retail auditing, there are a plethora of benefits that can be derived from mobile crowdsourcing and the tactic of using smartphone-enabled shoppers to gather brick-and-mortar data. While these benefits grow, however, an air of mystery remains over all that mobile crowdsourcing has to offer. There’s a large variety of question types that can provide you with more diverse and interesting data.

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Security of Data: A Top Retail Initiative


Security is a focus of the utmost importance as it relates to payment methods and technology networks in today’s retail environment. The final pillar of the Boston Retail Partner 2019 POS/Customer Engagement Survey is Secure. Today, consumers expect that retailers will protect their data and ensure a safe experience. As customers are becoming more comfortable providing retailers with their personal information, retailers must take necessary steps to protect that data.


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Interview With Darrell, Creator and Owner of @Chineshascloset

Hello Small Shop

We sat down with Darrell, creator and owner behind the chineshascloset to interview him and his small business! Tell us about yourself and your business. I’m originally from Cincinnati, OH and have been living in Memphis, TN for the past 3 years. I have always been a creative individual and choosing another career path separated me from that side for awhile.

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Synergistic Relationship between Bricks and Clicks

Broad Reach Retail

I am excited to share with you a new ICSC study, aptly named “The Halo Effect,” that demonstrates how much physical retail stores contribute to not only a retailer’s web traffic but also the primary measures of the retailer’s brand health. Instead of a battle between “bricks and clicks,” the study (which looked at more than 800 individual retail stores covering 145 U.S. markets) this study shows a much more interdependent relationship, a synergy between physical locations

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Growing Sales With Attribution Models in Google Analytics

Store Growers

Attribution is hard. So you’ve probably tried to ignore attribution for as long as you could. (I know I have.). But there comes a time when you can’t ignore it anymore. And at that moment it will morph from a headache into a very valuable tool. The right time to look at attribution models is when growth has stalled on your marketing investments.

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Retail Innovations Blog Series: Trend #2: Smart Shopping

Retail Eye

Welcome back to J.C. Williams Group’s Retail Innovations Blog Series where we celebrate global retail innovation, concepts, and trends!

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Importance of Seamless Experiences


Today’s customer journey occurs across multiple channels requiring retailers to provide a seamless personalized experience. This brings us to our third pillar of the Boston Retail Partners 2019 POS/Customer Engagement Survey, seamless customer experience. Consumers are constantly shopping, researching, and purchasing via their mobile devices, online, or in-stores.

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How to make international ecommerce transparent, efficient and cost-effective

Retail Technology Review

Cross-border ecommerce provides organisations with, theoretically, a low-cost opportunity to break into new markets. Yet from the cost of air freight to the complexity of international returns plus consumer expectations for full disclosure of import tariffs at checkout, successful global ecommerce is significantly more complex than it might first appear.

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How Apple and Jamf are changing retail

Jamf on Retail

Read how GOAT, the world's largest digital platform for rare and classic sneakers, streamlines the shopping experience and eliminates 10-15 IT help tickets a day in the process.

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Scaling Google Shopping To Multiple Countries

Store Growers

In theory, it’s pretty easy to scale your Google Shopping campaigns to multiple countries. All you need to do is provide the feed, specify where you want to advertise and Google does the rest. Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. Because when you’re dealing with product feeds, the theory doesn’t always equal practice. But like the product feed, getting past any initial hurdles can really pay-off.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Integrated Planning & Inventory Management Special Report


For retailers, it is imperative to take a customer-centric viewpoint on the business. Current disparate systems, processes and organization must be transformed into one cohesive environment with the ability to offer customers a seamless shopping environment across all channels and the capability to deliver merchandise immediately – wherever it is needed.

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How and Why Mobile Crowdsourcing Works


Retail Auditing the key to understanding the in-store pitfalls that could be tarnishing your brand perception in consumers’ eyes. With mobile crowdsourced data, you have the ability to look into stores nationwide without leaving your office. With insight reports on customer experience, display compliance, stock levels, and more from real consumers, you’ll have the data you need to make important decisions that could heavily impact your business and brand. .

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The Power of Mobile Technology


Mobile Technology is the second key pillar of customer experience that the Boston Retail Partner 2019 POS/Customer Engagement Survey identifies. As customers are using different channels to create their own retail experiences, the opportunities mobile devices offer are significant to retailers. Today, consumers use their smartphones to research products, compare prices, buy products online, and pay for in-store purchases.

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Personalisation is the key for retailers to improve engagement with target demographics

Retail Technology Review

The recent news that Asos has been named the retailer ‘best at communicating’ in a poll of UK university students, beating the likes of Nike, Topshop and Urban Outfitters, reflects the importance for retailers to ensure that they take a personalised approach to engaging with their customers.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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How Apple and Jamf are changing retail

Jamf on Retail

Read how GOAT, the world's largest digital platform for rare and classic sneakers, streamlines the shopping experience and eliminates 10-15 IT help tickets a day in the process.

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4 B&M Sales Operations Problems Driving Pros Crazy—and How to Fix Them


It’s the daily challenges that motivate us, make us work harder and inspire us to develop new and innovative solutions to our problems. Whether your job duties fall under sales operations, retail execution, account management, merchandising, or something similar—these daily challenges likely sound familiar. Below you’ll find four of the most common challenges facing professionals whose duties fall under brick-and-mortar sales operations, including in-store execution, shelf health, merchandising

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[Whitepaper] How to Decide Between Price Crawling and Pricing Intelligence


Knowledge is half the battle—but it isn’t the whole battle. This is the heart of the difference between price crawling and pricing intelligence. . In a retail world where little matters more than price, you must know how your prices compare to your competitors, how your margins fluctuate based on price changes, and so much more. Price crawling and pricing intelligence can both help you along that journey, but they’ll lead to very different conclusions. .

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Super Bowl LIII: Battle of the In-Store Displays


To say that Super Bowl activities have become bigger than the game itself is an understatement. In 2019, NRF found that consumers were planning to spend $14.8 billion for Super Bowl Sunday, which is an average of $81 per adult. But, what are brands doing to capitalize on the biggest game of the year inside stores? Wiser surveyed over 500 pre-Super Bowl shoppers in California and New England to see which brand displays made the most noise this year.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Personalization is a Key to Customer Loyalty


The Boston Retail Partners 2019 POS/Customer Engagement Survey identifies how retailers are faring in the quest to ensure the four key pillars of customer experience are in place to deliver Unified Commerce. The four pillars are Personal, Mobile, Seamless, and Secure. Here we dive into the pillar, Personalization, and how engaging customers with personalized and relevant messaging is a key to customer loyalty.

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Online retail sales emerge from December gloom

Retail Technology Review

Hitwise Digital Retail Insight report figures suggest that online retail visits in January grew by 1.8 per cent following the slow Christmas period. December online retail visits hit a 10 year low, declining by 0.6 per cent.

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Digital platform supported by IBM, Geovation and Ordnance Survey to help return shoppers to the high street

Retail Technology Review

Following a successful pilot in the north west of England, where 1.4 million pages of local high street offers and events were viewed, a national version OFFiGO has now gone live. The digital platform seeks to increase spend and footfall in the retail and hospitality sector by bringing the ‘high street’ online and enabling customers to find local deals.

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Tigers USA opens new purpose-built facility in Miami to meet growing e-commerce demands

Retail Technology Review

Supply chain specialist Tigers USA has moved its Miami, USA team into a new, larger facility to strengthen its focus on the Latin American region as well as meet growing global e-commerce demands.

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Exploring the Advantages and Hurdles of Direct Store Deliveries

Direct Store Delivery, or DSD, is a common practice among global suppliers and retailers – like PepsiCo, Frito Lay, CVS, and Dollar General – and its popularity is growing, with the global DSD market expected to reach $1.19 trillion by 2027. Download this eBook for exclusive insights into direct store deliveries, challenges, benefits, and future trends.

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Integrated Planning & Inventory Management Survey – Boston Retail Partners


For retailers, it is imperative to take a customer-centric viewpoint on the business. Current disparate systems, processes and organization must be transformed into one cohesive environment with the ability to offer customers a seamless shopping environment across all channels and the capability to deliver merchandise immediately – wherever it is needed.

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19% uplift in international currency provision amongst UK’s top 250 retailers

Retail Technology Review

Analysis of the UK’s top 250 retailers has found a 19% year-on-year increase in the number of brands offering the option to pay in international currency. The figure forms part of an annual performance index carried out by ecommerce and digital agency, Visualsoft.

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Influential eCommerce brands, retailers & carriers converge for The Delivery Conference 2019

Retail Technology Review

MetaPack, the eCommerce delivery technology provider, is again playing host to some of the world’s best brands, retailers and carriers at The Delivery Conference – TDC Global 2019 on February 26, 2019 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London.

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Secrets to eCommerce success to be revealed at B2B Marketing Expo 2019

Retail Technology Review

The secrets to succeeding in B2B eCommerce are to be unveiled to marketers at this year’s B2B Marketing Expo 2019.

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Disruption Reimagined: How to Conquer, Not Crumble, During Supply Chain Instability

Speaker: Robyn O’Brien - Founder of Sirona Ventures, Adjunct Professor at Rice University’s Business School, Supply Chain Optimization and Logistics Expert

Today’s supply chain leaders are required to stay strong in the face of disruption and not only accept it, but embrace it – after all, progress is made outside of your comfort zone. While it’s easier said than done, conquering the fear of instability in your supply chain is within your reach. Thanks to the advancement of technology and AI, we now have more tools and resources at our disposal than ever before to conquer, not crumble, in the face of uncertainty.

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How will Brexit affect eCommerce?

Retail Technology Review

Brexit brings a wave of uncertainty and change to the UK business landscape, and since the day the UK voted to leave the EU, it’s been a whirlwind.