December, 2019

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6 Practical Tips for B&M Retailers to Improve the Retail Checkout Experience


The in-store shopping experience has a number of benefits for consumers. It’s a great way to see and test products before buying, store associates can help guide shoppers in the right direction, and there’s the instant gratification of buying an item and being able to use it that day. However, there are some things about certain brick-and-mortar stores that are not fun: long lines and poor checkout experiences.

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Using the Power of Psychology to Enhance Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Retail Next

Leveraging psychology as a marketing tactic is a great way to get your brand noticed among millions of potential distractions. If you learn what most engages shoppers and when they are most likely to make a purchase, you can channel that knowledge to attract and retain potential customers. . This is where the applied and experiential knowledge of psychological strategies add real value.


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Field Management Software Secrets that Keep Product Companies Selling

Natural Insight

Field execution means boots on the ground. There’s simply no way around it. The challenge, however, is keeping teams lean and tracking progress to ensure work is completed perfectly and on time. That’s no easy feat; this situation often results in scheduling difficulties, compliance failures and missed deadlines. Learn the latest field management software developments that clear the path for your merchandising efforts from stockroom to basket and end these logistics difficulties.

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A Very Merry Christmas from Graff Retail!

Graff Retail

We want to wish all of our valued clients and partners a very Merry Christmas, from the whole Graff Retail team! We hope you have a wonderful holiday season filled with warmth, good food, and great company! Many of you who have worked with us know that we believe in philanthropy and giving back. Year-round, […].

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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Eataly vs Time Out Market: Similar Models with Different Implications

Retail Eye

A month after Eataly’s grand opening in Toronto, and Time Out Market’s new location in Montreal, its time to take a look at these food hall-esque attractions. Both models are sized close to a large grocery store but are modeled more as a community hub. So just what makes them work? Eataly – Ambassador of […].

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It’s not too late to win with the holiday shopper

Markerketing Experts

The festive season is officially around the corner! For some of us this is great news, but others may not have reached the targets set for this holiday season yet. . If you find yourself in the latter group, we bring great news to help with the holiday cheer. . Last-minute shoppers ahoy! According to Deloitte’s holiday survey , 51% of shoppers have yet to accomplish their holiday shopping – which has been chalked in for the second half of December.

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10 POS System Features Your Retail Business Needs

Retail Next

Just a few decades ago a POS (point of sale) terminal was nothing more than a cash register where you’d come and pay for goods or services you just acquired in a certain store. As the times changed and our manner of doing business evolved, so have the POS systems developed into more sophisticated and feature-rich software and hardware solutions. In the retail industry, the ability to provide a seamless and customer-oriented purchasing experience is tightly connected with the scale of the busines

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Loaded Burger new store concept…

Retail Design Solutions

Just launched is a new store for our friends at Loaded Burger which we have been involved with from concept generation through to detail design packs and overseeing delivery on site. This has a been a great project to work on and well done to all those involved in delivering a great result that sets the brand apart from the competition. We’re looking forward to more in 2020 as they grow from strength to strength!

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5 Ways to Fulfill Web Orders (for Retailers)


Web order fulfillment is not a one-size-fits all solution. There are a variety of ways to deliver products to consumers who purchase online. Here are five ways retailers in the past, and currently, have fulfilled web orders. There is no doubt that new developments in retail will show new ways to fulfill web orders in the future. For now, most retailers can get by fulfilling web orders through these channels.

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Eataly vs Time Out Market: Similar Models with Different Implications

Retail Eye

A month after Eataly’s grand opening in Toronto, and Time Out Market’s new location in Montreal, its time to take … Continue reading →

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Try It … Use the Spirit of Christmas In Your Store!

Graff Retail

Here we are, just 7 ‘sleeps’ away from Christmas day. How have sales been in your stores so far this holiday selling season? Hitting your targets? Celebrating success? We certainly hope so, because there can hardly be one good reason why you shouldn’t be doing better this year than last. But, ask yourself a bigger […].

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4 Trends in Last-Mile Delivery That Can Help Drive Sales


It’s often said that the last step is the hardest to take. This is certainly a challenge faced by many eCommerce brands and retailers—how to get customer orders that last mile to their front doors. This is known as last-mile delivery, or the final part of the eCommerce experience when orders are delivered to waiting customers. Brands and retailers who do it right are in a great position to make money: fast fulfillment, great service, and happy shoppers.

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Optimizing Your Online Store for Mobile Traffic [INFOGRAPHIC]

Retail Next

It is common knowledge that shoppers are increasingly using mobile phones to shop. In fact, more than half of all internet traffic now comes from a mobile device, and 62 percent of smartphone owners use a mobile device to shop in the U.S. This is a phenomenon seen not only in the United States, but internationally as well, with many markets such as China, Mexico and Indonesia being known as ‘mobile-first’ economies, where their technological infrastructure was built starting with the mobile phon

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Google Ads Quality Score: Overhyped Metric or Holy Grail?

Store Growers

Many advertisers look at the quality score as the Holy Grail to making Google Ads work. As a result, they spend too much time obsessing over trying to optimize it. Others are skeptical and take everything they hear about it with a pinch of salt. So who is right? Today, we’re going to find out. So, by the end, you’ll have all the practical information about quality scores that you need to improve the performance of your Google Ads campaigns.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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Online conversion rates rose by 44% on Black Friday, according to iAdvize data

Retail Technology Review

UK online conversion rates rose by 44% on the daily average on Black Friday – up 3% year-on-year - according to data from iAdvize, the conversational commerce provider, while Cyber Monday conversions increased 27% compared to an average Monday.

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4 Pricing-Related Tips to Launch a New Product


When a new product launch goes well, it’s fantastic! When it goes wrong, it often goes really wrong. (Think Google Glass, the Segway, and Barnes and Noble’s Nook.). What is one common theme across all product launches, good or bad? Pricing. Set the right price for the market , and you may have a winner. Choose the wrong price, and you could alienate your target audience and miss out on potential customers.

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List Price vs. Net Price: What You Need to Know to Optimize Your Pricing Strategies


A price is never one number. In reality, prices are constantly changing. They have different names and purposes, and finding the right price for the right scenario is an important challenge to tackle for any successful brand or retailer. Today, two core price distinctions revolve around list prices and net prices. Let’s explore the difference between these two so you can better optimize your pricing strategies moving forward.

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[Total Retail]: 4 Key Elements Driving Superior Customer Experience In-Store


People, products, shopability, and sentiment. These are the four key elements driving superior customer experience in-store, according to Wiser CEO Andy Ballard. Writing for Total Retail, Andy digs into why retailers should care deeply about each of these elements and how improving these areas can provide positive results for companies. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can read in “ 4 Key Elements Driving Superior Customer Experience In-Store.”.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Should Retailers Sell Directly on Social Media?

Retail Next

Should retailers sell directly to shoppers on social media? The simple answer is almost always yes. Retail businesses without a presence on major platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat are asking to be ignored by consumers. More than 70 percent of American adults use at least one social media platform, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center survey.

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Tips to Take Your Retail Business to the Next Level

Retail Next

Building a successful retail business, both online and offline, takes a significant amount of work to get off the ground. Taking your business to the next level can be a daunting challenge, but growing your retail business is worth it in the long run, increasing profits and further cementing your brand in the industry. With these tips and tricks, you can elevate your retail business.

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Retail Performance Pulse: Stores Enjoy Strong Opening of Holiday Season

Retail Next

The latest edition of the RetailNext Retail Performance Pulse has been published and is available for download, providing an overview of brick-and-mortar store performance for the retail month of November 2019 (November 3-30 on the industry’s 4-5-4 calendar). Download the Retail Performance Pulse for November 2019 store results. November is traditionally the start of the holiday shopping season, and once again the Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend carried the month.

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Proven Tips to Create Your Most Effective Retail Store Layout [INFOGRAPHIC]

Retail Next

Regardless of whether you are planning on opening a new store or undergoing a store revamp, the layout of your store is more crucial to your overall performance than you may think. After all, picking the right layout design will allow your customers to shop your store with ease. Having a deliberate store layout is important for maximizing revenue for brick-and-mortar retailers.

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Exploring the Advantages and Hurdles of Direct Store Deliveries

Direct Store Delivery, or DSD, is a common practice among global suppliers and retailers – like PepsiCo, Frito Lay, CVS, and Dollar General – and its popularity is growing, with the global DSD market expected to reach $1.19 trillion by 2027. Download this eBook for exclusive insights into direct store deliveries, challenges, benefits, and future trends.

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Capturing Synergies in Your Physical & Digital Sales Channels

Retail Next

If you are operating a retail business that has both physical and digital platforms, it may be difficult to succeed equally in both arenas, especially with the rise in online marketing over the past couple of decades. Here are some tips that will help you maintain a loyal shopper base both online and in-person. Offer Different Promotions. It is important to encourage customers to shop both online and in your physical store location, and one way to do this effectively is to offer promotions onlin

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How to Use Wi-Fi Marketing to Engage Shoppers

Retail Next

As technology expands and more and more consumers go online to shop, the retail industry faces new challenges. Millennials, now the world’s largest generation and biggest spenders, are more than twice as likely to shop online. . Yet millennials, like Gen Z behind them, also value authenticity and the human element of shopping. They want to feel as though they’re a part of your brand.

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Using AI Applications to Unlock Customer Service Success

Retail Next

The promise of artificial intelligence (AI) in retail is well understood. With AI, retailers can optimize processes and merchandising, cut costs, forecast inventories and provide excellent customer experiences. Even so, the retail sector has been slow to move beyond piloting AI in one implementation or another. . According to CB Insights , “In an analysis of 1,600+ earnings calls from more than 50 publicly traded U.S. retailers, only nine retailers had begun discussing AI-related strategies for

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10 Ways Technology Improves Your Retail Business

Retail Next

Do you know what shoppers and customers expect from your retail business? When they enter your store, they want to quickly find the item they are looking for, but they still need many options. They want to get their item, pay for it as quickly as possible, and get on with their lives. In short, they are after speed, resourcefulness, and efficiency. To achieve that, retailers must invest in technologies that lead to greater customer satisfaction, but also make all business processes easier to han

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Disruption Reimagined: How to Conquer, Not Crumble, During Supply Chain Instability

Speaker: Robyn O’Brien - Founder of Sirona Ventures, Adjunct Professor at Rice University’s Business School, Supply Chain Optimization and Logistics Expert

Today’s supply chain leaders are required to stay strong in the face of disruption and not only accept it, but embrace it – after all, progress is made outside of your comfort zone. While it’s easier said than done, conquering the fear of instability in your supply chain is within your reach. Thanks to the advancement of technology and AI, we now have more tools and resources at our disposal than ever before to conquer, not crumble, in the face of uncertainty.

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Get the Heck out of the Backroom!

Graff Retail

During countless trips through numerous stores over the past few weeks we couldn’t help but notice a predominant and very disturbing trend … it’s next to impossible to find a manager on the sales floor! Can you believe it? The most important retail ‘show’ of the year and the cast and crew are running around […].

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Red Box Vape continues expansion with acquisition of Vapour Lounge

Retail Technology Review

Red Box Vape Ltd has finalised a deal to acquire Vapour Lounge with 5 retail store outlets across Scotland as part of its continuing acquisition programme. This transaction will add a further £0.75m to turnover. The company is one of the fastest-growing UK brands in the sector.

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DSV signs new partnership agreement with Marimekko Finland

Retail Technology Review

DSV and Marimekko in Finland have signed a partnership agreement. As a result, Marimekko’s central warehouse operations will be moved to DSV’s new warehouse in Vantaa in the beginning of 2020.

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The secret to engaging young adults (18-24s) online? Personalisation

Retail Technology Review

18-24-year-olds (44%) are more likely to be influenced to buy a product or service online if they’re given a personalised offer, compared to those aged over 55 (24%), research has revealed. However, while it’s been established that the younger generation is influenced by a more bespoke approach, a shocking 57% of all those surveyed agree that the offers they receive online are ‘mostly irrelevant’.

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