October, 2018

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How to Create Winning Black Friday Promotions


Which Black Friday marketing ideas drive the most sales? There are quite a few out there: gift guides, free products, longer sales periods, and many more. However, one marketing tactic has stood the test of time, and for good reason: the promotion. . Shoppers won’t know your excellent sales if you don’t promote them. Promotions are one of the best ways to communicate your discounts, sales periods, and other crucial information to your target audience.

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Retail Innovations Blog Series: Trend #3: Emotional Retail

Retail Eye

Welcome back to J.C. Williams Group’s Retail Innovations Blog Series where we celebrate global retail innovation, concepts, and trends!


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Leaders in Logistics: Post & Parcel Europe 2019

Retail Technology Review

Comprising two forums, the Innovation in Operations day and the two-day Post & Parcel Europe Summit, this event offers the actionable insight you need to survive in the evolving world of delivery.

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New Setup and Reset apps, customer success stories take center stage at JNUC 2018

Jamf on Retail

During the Day 2 Keynote, Jamf officially launches Setup and Reset apps and attendees hear Apple success stories from Ohio State University, Sewanhaka Central High School District, UC San Diego Health, Red Lion Hotels and Rituals.

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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No Price Wars: How to Compete Without Racing to the Bottom


Are there winners at the end of price wars? Not really. Some people may feel that lower prices are better for consumers, but bottom-barrel prices equal tiny margins for businesses. And that can lead to reduced services, lower quality products, less competition, and many other concerns. . Put simply, price wars are bad for business. Unfortunately, they are increasingly common in the age of eCommerce.

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[Infographic] Expectation vs. Reality: Shoppers, Retailers Don’t Agree on Seasonal Displays


Walk into a retailer in late August or early September, and there’s a good chance you see seasonal displays. In fact, the “Christmas Creep” frequently draws complaints from shoppers and retail pundits. However, retailers know there’s value in seasonal displays. Sales figures are moving up and it’s a billion-dollar industry for businesses.

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Going Omni: Why Digital-First Brands Sell In-Store


What do your shoppers want out of the buying process? For many, the answer is instant gratification. It’s easy product comparisons and competitive prices: an experience. And, it’s this desire for a holistic shopping experience that is invigorating much of the industry, led in part by digital-first brands. . After cutting their teeth in eCommerce, these brands are moving in-store and further disrupting brick-and-mortar retail.

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The Future of Pricing Strategies: Will MAP Last Forever?


Pricing strategies are not fixed. They grow and evolve. They change alongside the market, as innovations and techniques create new working relationships between buyer and seller. Pricing strategies of today are not the pricing strategies of tomorrow. But what does the future hold? . This question relates directly to minimum advertised price. MAP is a central pricing strategy in the U.S. today, but it has its supporters and detractors.

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Why You Need to Monitor Merchandising Compliance


In-store merchandising compliance. It sounds so simple, yet anyone who oversees brick-and-mortar retail knows that getting merchandising from idea to execution is anything but. . Naturally, the outcome always ends up being significant with something that is easier said than done. In this case, the outcome of merchandising compliance will directly affect many areas of your business, helping to drive sales and position you as a leader in the industry. .

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How Scorecards Can Improve Your In-Store Merchandising Compliance?


How do you currently measure in-store display and merchandising compliance???Depending on the size of your brand, this may vary – from tracking it manually (or not at all) to working with your own in-house built or third-party solution. . No matter your strategy, there’s likely room for improvement.?Non-compliance in all its forms can? drive shoppers to another brand ?

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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After the Warning Signs: What to Do with Your Pricing Strategies


It’s never an easy decision to adjust your pricing strategies. Even slight changes up or down can result in angry customers, bad press, concerned shareholders, and more. . However, changing a pricing strategy can be exactly what your business needs. But, you may be saying, that is easier said than done. That’s fair. There are two main challenges to optimizing your pricing strategies: .

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[Whitepaper]: Display and Merchandising Compliance: Ensure Accountability and Actionability


The steps between data collection and action are often the hardest. You need to analyze your data and make the right decision: What are your problems, and how do you fix them? Here at Wiser, we’ve recently released a new solution: Wiser Scorecards. Scorecards are concise, visual reports that benchmark the performance of in-store business units.

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Wiser Scorecards: Now Available for Brands and Retailers


We’re excited to introduce you to our latest in-store feature: Wiser Scorecards. Scorecards are the perfect way to benchmark the performance of different teams or business units against key compliance and operational measures. . According to a recent survey, 86 percent of retailers believe that merchandising compliance and execution in-store has a direct impact on sales conversion rates.

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Unauthorized Sellers: Identify Violators and Protect Your Brand


Amazon, Walmart, and other online marketplaces are a competitive hotbed of brands and resellers. It doesn’t take much to create a seller profile and start listing products online. The challenge for brands is managing those sellers—and preventing any unauthorized sellers from causing problems. . For instance, your brand can sell on Amazon. You may also have several authorized resellers on the marketplace.

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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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MAP Compliance vs Brand Compliance: What’s the Difference?


You might be familiar with MAP compliance, but what is brand compliance? This type of compliance monitoring has plenty of ramifications for manufacturers and retailers. . As you probably know, MAP compliance is the de facto method for most manufacturers to monitor their retail partners. It has long been the standard for one primary reason: simplicity.

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New Setup and Reset apps, customer success stories take center stage at JNUC 2018

Jamf on Retail

During the Day 2 Keynote, Jamf officially launches Setup and Reset apps and attendees hear Apple success stories from Ohio State University, Sewanhaka Central High School District, UC San Diego Health, Red Lion Hotels and Rituals.

ATS 44
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Introducing Jamf Setup and Jamf Reset

Jamf on Retail

Learn the what, why and how of Jamf Setup and Jamf Reset — two new apps that power shared-use devices for any workflow.

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Introducing Jamf Setup and Jamf Reset

Jamf on Retail

Learn the what, why and how of Jamf Setup and Jamf Reset — two new apps that power shared-use devices for any workflow.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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Dzinga launches new communications platform for business

Retail Technology Review

Dzinga has announced its new communications platform for business which supports communications between businesses and their customers across web, phone, mobile and social media.

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Black Friday 2018: Consumers are eager, more digital, and willing to spend – Periscope By McKinsey

Retail Technology Review

Periscope By McKinsey, which offers a suite of Marketing & Sales Analytics Solutions to help companies achieve sustainable revenue growth, has announced the findings of research on consumer sentiment towards Black Friday 2018.

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Spring joint venture to be ‘new standard’ for UK e-commerce deliveries

Retail Technology Review

The UK division of mail and parcels solutions provider, Spring, has launched a joint venture which it believes will become the new standard in deliveries for online retailers.

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The march of the up-and-coming retailers

Retail Technology Review

InternetRetailing and Ingenico Group, the seamless payments solutions provider, have partnered to provide what they describes as unique insight into British retail – beyond the best-known high street names.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Retailers need to outsource digital application to help weather a tough retail climate and improve the bottom line

Retail Technology Review

By Wayne Munday, Non-Executive Director, Rokk Media. The Retail climate is proving increasingly challenging for bricks-and-mortar stores of all sizes, with many major brands and familiar high-street names announcing profit warnings, job cuts and even store closures.

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Retailers must plan for big November and Christmas Day sales

Retail Technology Review

Online retail sales in November will outstrip December this year, while Christmas Day will grow as an important shopping day in its own right, according to James and James Fulfilment (based in Ohio).

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New Uberall research shows struggling UK department stores are missing out on high street customers due to online ‘invisibility’

Retail Technology Review

Uberall, the Berlin-headquartered location marketing technology specialist, has announced the findings of its research into the accuracy of online location search results of the UK’s largest department stores.

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Consumers aren’t as opposed to bots as you might think

Retail Technology Review

While bots are often cited as a reason for poor customer service, new research from Genesys finds many UK consumers do not rank them high on their list of frustrations.

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Exploring the Advantages and Hurdles of Direct Store Deliveries

Direct Store Delivery, or DSD, is a common practice among global suppliers and retailers – like PepsiCo, Frito Lay, CVS, and Dollar General – and its popularity is growing, with the global DSD market expected to reach $1.19 trillion by 2027. Download this eBook for exclusive insights into direct store deliveries, challenges, benefits, and future trends.

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Half of global wholesalers feel threatened by manufacturers selling direct

Retail Technology Review

More than half of global wholesalers have witnessed manufacturers sell directly to end customers driving the disintermediation of the traditional supply chain model and increasing competitiveness between traditional partners, according to new research.

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UK retailers must seize cross-border opportunity to succeed in a post-Brexit world, says Tryzens

Retail Technology Review

Although Brexit anxiety has led to a slowdown in consumer spending, eCommerce specialist Tryzens sees a bright future for British retailers, after a report released by Paypal has placed UK retailers at the top of the list of countries that foreign buyers purchase goods from online.

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Touch, try and buy; retailers must create an omnichannel shopping experience to survive, BigCommerce study reveals

Retail Technology Review

New research by BigCommerce, the ecommerce platform for fast-growing and established brands, reveals that convenience, price and speed of delivery are front of mind for UK shoppers whilst further illustrating the global impact of Amazon’s marketplace.

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Retailers are losing £1.6bn through delivery failure

Retail Technology Review

IMRG’s Valuing Home Delivery Review 2018 revealed at eCommerce Expo and Technology for Marketing, now co-located with ad:tech London, shows that UK retailers, delivery partners and customers are losing £1.6bn by getting delivery wrong.

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Disruption Reimagined: How to Conquer, Not Crumble, During Supply Chain Instability

Speaker: Robyn O’Brien - Founder of Sirona Ventures, Adjunct Professor at Rice University’s Business School, Supply Chain Optimization and Logistics Expert

Today’s supply chain leaders are required to stay strong in the face of disruption and not only accept it, but embrace it – after all, progress is made outside of your comfort zone. While it’s easier said than done, conquering the fear of instability in your supply chain is within your reach. Thanks to the advancement of technology and AI, we now have more tools and resources at our disposal than ever before to conquer, not crumble, in the face of uncertainty.