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IT teams are more strapped than ever due to increased requests and ever-advancing organizational growth. Teams are facing the demand to complete more with a 40% increase in projects, with fewer resources and budget. 

The result is IT teams are now spending most of their time playing catch-up and not on development or innovation. This situation leads to frustrated internal stakeholders whose requests are held up by IT, resulting in delayed business initiatives. 

Why are IT teams overburdened? 

Across the organization, both business and IT teams have less ability to work on critical projects.  IT teams are bogged down by requests across various lines of business, while business teams are left waiting on the resource-strapped IT teams. 

This bottleneck leads to an innovation roadblock that can snowball with disastrous consequences, resulting in a gap between IT project delivery and business needs. These conditions make it harder to get funding and resources for more experimental initiatives that could provide real strategic breakthroughs for organizations undergoing digital transformation.

To combat this challenging situation, organizations must focus on accelerating their place in the digital economy while paving the road to full-scale digital transformation. And that requires IT teams to work on high-priority tasks and open up business teams to participate in innovative projects. 

This means that IT teams must develop and execute a unified automation strategy that empowers more employees to build digital solutions. This strategy must enable centralized control and governance to achieve growth quickly and efficiently. The result allows IT teams to meet demands quicker in the face of shrinking budgets and increased business team requests. 

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How can MuleSoft Automation help overburdened IT teams? 

Automation initiatives help alleviate stifled innovation by targeting multiple pain points in the organization: 

  • Human task automation targets manual, repetitive tasks, and processes, allowing teams to unleash innovation faster and easier. 
  • Process automation allows everyone in the organization to connect your apps and data and empowers everyone to access data with clicks, not code.
  • System integration focuses on consolidating fractured data architecture into a single source of truth. 

While these three points are a critical foundation for an automation strategy, they must also be aligned with your entire digital estate and digital transformation initiatives. Therefore, your automation strategy must work seamlessly with other digital solutions like iPaaS and API management solutions. 

MuleSoft is the only place where your digital estate is composed in a unified and unfractured place, and MuleSoft is the only unified platform for integration, APIs, and automation. This end-to-end approach means MuleSoft is uniquely equipped to help future-proof digital architecture, allowing IT teams to do more with less. 

Developing a unified automation strategy allows IT teams to accomplish more in the face of shrinking resources and budgets, and we’re here to help. Download your copy of Drive Innovation with Automation and see the fundamental steps for developing your automation strategy.