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When is Price Skimming Effective? Pros and Cons for Brands


When done right, a new product launch can be a big win for a brand. Apple is usually on the winning side of its product launches, with lines wrapped around the corner for the next iPhone or new gadget. A big part of a successful product launch is the price. Get the price right, and you can drive sales, hype, and long-time customers. Get it wrong, and it can be a public relations nightmare and flat sales.

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Amazing Business Radio: John Rossman


Think Like Amazon. Innovation from the World’s Leading Customer-Obsessed Company. Shep Hyken interviews John Rossman. They discuss John’s new book, Think Like Amazon , and how to utilize the key factors that drive Amazon’s success. The Interview with John Rossman: Innovation and success come from developing and committing to systems. Be deliberate in how you approach your work and have a “playbook” you can pull from for any situation.

ATS 121

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How to Collect Customer Data and Improve Shopper Experience

Retail Next

In today’s world, collecting data and basing decisions on the calculated data is critical to success, especially in the retail market. Retailers depend directly on consumers for their business growth, which has placed shopper experience and customer satisfaction at the top of the priority list, making customer and market research very important. The introduction of big data in retail allows retailers to curate more relevant, valuable and enjoyable experiences for their shoppers since customer da

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3 High-Impact CPG Sales Tips From Kraft Heinz’ Sales Team


For CPG brands, building a field sales team is a big investment — and an important one. Having dedicated sales reps champion your brand in high-opportunity stores and become experts in your market can give you a competitive advantage at the shelf, making the difference between a shopper choosing your brand or your competition. Most CPG brands also use their sales teams as their eyes and ears in their accounts, gathering data about retailer compliance, inventory, and competition — insights they c

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Innovation Fest: Summer of AI

Join Bloomreach at Innovation Fest: Summer 2024, a virtual event, to explore the future of personalized marketing and merchandising! Along with the company’s top product experts, CEO Raj De Datta will provide an exclusive look at the company’s latest AI innovations reshaping the omnichannel experience. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with fellow industry leaders and explore the latest trends in retail technology.

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Tools and Tips to Transform Employees into Brand Experience Gurus

Natural Insight

The buzz hasn’t stopped about the spending power of one demographic: millennials. With over 80 million shoppers falling into this demographic, they clock in at spending power topping more than 600 billion dollars.

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Controlling the Retail Buying and Selling Cycles


Retailers of all stripes profit by controlling two cycles–the buying cycle and the selling cycle. If you control one, you only have half control over your merchandising. If you control them both, you’ve got your entire inventory in the palm of your hand. Here are some tips on controlling the buying and selling cycles, no matter what kind of retail operations you manage.

Apparel 62

More Trending

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Eataly vs Time Out Market: Similar Models with Different Implications

Retail Eye

A month after Eataly’s grand opening in Toronto, and Time Out Market’s new location in Montreal, its time to take a look at these food hall-esque attractions. Both models are sized close to a large grocery store but are modeled more as a community hub. So just what makes them work? Eataly – Ambassador of […].

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It’s not too late to win with the holiday shopper

Markerketing Experts

The festive season is officially around the corner! For some of us this is great news, but others may not have reached the targets set for this holiday season yet. . If you find yourself in the latter group, we bring great news to help with the holiday cheer. . Last-minute shoppers ahoy! According to Deloitte’s holiday survey , 51% of shoppers have yet to accomplish their holiday shopping – which has been chalked in for the second half of December.

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Loaded Burger new store concept…

Retail Design Solutions

Just launched is a new store for our friends at Loaded Burger which we have been involved with from concept generation through to detail design packs and overseeing delivery on site. This has a been a great project to work on and well done to all those involved in delivering a great result that sets the brand apart from the competition. We’re looking forward to more in 2020 as they grow from strength to strength!

ATS 52
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Do You Go The Extra Mile For Your Customers?


The last thing I wanted to do at 9 am on a Saturday morning was get my car’s oil changed. When my alarm went off, I was not a happy camper. Yet, the morning I was about to have at my local Subaru dealership turned out to be one of the best customer experiences I have had in a long time. When my boyfriend and I pulled up to the service station, a friendly attendant was there with a smile on his face.

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From Concept to Deployment: Building Commerce Storefronts with Composable UI

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What is Penetration Pricing? Advantages and Disadvantages for Brands


Are you getting ready to launch a new product? It’s at this time that brands need to focus on setting the right price to attract the most customers possible. This is when penetration pricing can come into play. But what is penetration pricing? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of this pricing strategy for brands? Let’s find out.

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How do you think the second half of 2019 will be for your store?

Retail Smart Guys

The first half of 2019 was certainly, well, interesting. Nearly every retailer I talk to tells me that it wasn’t great. Weather played a significant part for many stores, and although those kinds of events are typically followed by a spike in sales, many retailers tell me that they never saw the spike. That means the second half has to make up for what the first half lacked.

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How to Improve Your Store’s First Impression Through Targeted Branding

Retail Next

Having a brick-and-mortar store is more challenging than it used to be. The rise in e-commerce has left many retail shop owners out of ideas and out of business. However, despite the doom and gloom, retail research shows that 49 percent of consumers still prefer brick-and-mortar. Moreover, physical stores account for 94 percent of retail sales in the country.

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Review of EVBJewelry's Crushed Stone Crystal Quartz Metal Earrings

Hello Small Shop

These earrings from EVBJewelry’s are absolutely stunning. Based out of Windsor, Ontario, EVBJewelry creates a stunning line of gemstone jewelry from earrings to necklaces. There is no doubt that EVBJewelry ’s shop owner, Courtney is clearly very talented! I had the opportunity to review this stunning pair of Crushed Stone Crystal Quartz Luminous Shimmer Silver Earrings and here’s what I thought: These earrings are perfect to wear for everyday and even special occasions because they are so versat

Jewelry 52
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Secrets of a Successful Sale: Optimizing Your Checkout Process

Speaker: David Nisbet, Everett Zufelt, and Michaela Weber

Once upon a time, in the vast realm of online commerce, there lived a humble checkout button overlooked by many. Yet, within its humble click lay the power to transform a mere visitor into a loyal customer. 🧐 💡 Getting checkout right can mark the difference between a successful sale and an abandoned cart, yet many businesses fail to make payments a part of their commerce strategy even when it has a direct impact on revenue.

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Field Management Software Secrets that Keep Product Companies Selling

Natural Insight

Field execution means boots on the ground. There’s simply no way around it. The challenge, however, is keeping teams lean and tracking progress to ensure work is completed perfectly and on time. That’s no easy feat; this situation often results in scheduling difficulties, compliance failures and missed deadlines. Learn the latest field management software developments that clear the path for your merchandising efforts from stockroom to basket and end these logistics difficulties.

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7 Retail Operations You Must Manage Effectively


Managing retail operations holistically means focusing on each aspect of the business and managing each essential element of the operation effectively and efficiently. To be profitable, you can just focus on the business as a whole. You must focus on each component that makes up the business. That’s why, if you manage the following seven essential elements of your retail operation effectively, then the entire retail chain will be profitable and successful.

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2018 Year-End Results

Broad Reach Retail

This has been another successful year for Broad Reach Retail Partners with 79 transactions, totalling 564,649 SF and $88 million in total transaction value! Transactions Completed. in 2018. Acquisitions in 2018. South Grove | Knoxville, Tennessee. 89,000 SF | Anchored by Food City. Liberty Square | Wauconda, Illinois. 107,000 SF | Anchored by Jewel Osco.

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Just 10 commands, then keep learning

Jamf on Retail

Scripting helps Jamf admins to get the most out of Jamf, but it can be intimidating at first. For those of you thinking “scripting terrifies me,” this blog post is for you.

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Brick & Mortar Retail Relevance: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

Speaker: Jay Black, Senior Account Executive

Let's set the record straight: in-store retail isn't dead - it's evolving! Faced with the digital age and the demands of omnichannel shopping, some retailers are thriving while others are struggling to adapt. Join Jay Black in this exclusive session as he explores the strategies that set successful stores apart, including: Crafting unique and unforgettable in-store experiences 🛍️ Mastering the art of retail demands 🛒 Navigating inventory challenges in today's climate 📦 an

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4 questions that guarantee effective shopper communication

Markerketing Experts

As shopper marketers, we need to talk our shopper’s language – literally and figuratively. Shopper communication is imperative to achieving you goal of influencing and in some cases, changing your target shopper’s behaviour. Let’s create some context quickly. Shopper communication is part of the Shopper Marketing Mix, along with offer and availability.

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A virtual pint, anyone?

Retail Design Solutions

We’ve produced an interactive virtual visit for the team at the fantastic Hammerton’s Brewery so you can get to take a tour without leaving the comfort of your sofa! Of course, the purpose is to allow you to explore the brewery before you get down there to sample some of the great beers they brew and soak up the atmosphere. The virtual visit is an incredibly valuable tool to any real world experience that you want to capture online allowing your visitors to explore and experience the

ATS 52
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A Retail Employee’s Dilemma


How To Avoid Disgruntled Customers. As a former retail employee in the home furnishings industry, I learned the ins and outs of delivering both positive and negative customer experiences firsthand. Having an excellent memory has always been an asset, but I never knew how much I would rely on it until my first retail job. It was there that my memory of the store would make up for a non-existent inventory tracking system.

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4 Trends in Last-Mile Delivery That Can Help Drive Sales


It’s often said that the last step is the hardest to take. This is certainly a challenge faced by many eCommerce brands and retailers—how to get customer orders that last mile to their front doors. This is known as last-mile delivery, or the final part of the eCommerce experience when orders are delivered to waiting customers. Brands and retailers who do it right are in a great position to make money: fast fulfillment, great service, and happy shoppers.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Great Webinar Tomorrow!

Retail Smart Guys

H ey Retailers! Check out this webinar, happening tomorrow, Tuesday, January 22nd @ 2:00pm EST (11:00am) PST: Industry Secrets with Dan at Retail Smart Guys. Not every retailer is suffering in this economy. There are many that are actually very profitable and have great cash flow. In this economy, now is the time to get a competitive edge and increase market share.

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Store Wars: Hats Off to Penney’s – Yes, JCPenney

Retail Next

Retail is a funny business. There are so many factors that separate the winners from the losers, and in the current climate I am often surprised by who gets it right and who gets it wrong. There have been endless writings on the demise of Sears, what Toys R Us could have done differently, how Macy’s and WalMart are trying to reinvent themselves, the reasons Nordstrom decided to invest in Manhattan now, and on and on.

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Review of Anchored Signs' Nursery Custom Name Wall Art

Hello Small Shop

For those of you who don’t know I welcomed my son in early February of this year. When I was looking for nursery decor it was easy to find all the items I needed because my theme was simple (gray & white) but it was hard to find the name wall art I wanted. The first wall art name I ordered took forever to come and it ended up not being what I wanted.

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The Secret to Slashing Costs: Upping Your Merchandising Execution Game

Natural Insight

After a considerable hit to the economy during the financial crisis, wages began a steady climb for workers in 2019; average hourly earnings climbed 3.2%. This is great news for the up-and-coming millennial and Gen Z workforce – but it still puts a crunch on employers. Start scrolling to read our secrets to slashing costs in your merchandising execution efforts.

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Exploring the Advantages and Hurdles of Direct Store Deliveries

Direct Store Delivery, or DSD, is a common practice among global suppliers and retailers – like PepsiCo, Frito Lay, CVS, and Dollar General – and its popularity is growing, with the global DSD market expected to reach $1.19 trillion by 2027. Download this eBook for exclusive insights into direct store deliveries, challenges, benefits, and future trends.

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7 Produce Life Cycle Events to Monitor for Max Profits


Retailers who manage the product life cycle effectively are the ones who survive the next age of commerce. They are the most competitive, most profitable, and most enduring retail operations on the market. That’s true of both brick-and-mortar retailers and online retailers. Below are seven events in the product lifecycle that must be monitored consistently in order to keep your retail operation profitable.

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Eataly Toronto – Another Home Run for Retail Experience

Retail Eye

After years of planning and months of anticipation, the new Eataly Toronto opened to much fanfare on Wednesday, November 13th … Continue reading →

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Just 10 commands, then keep learning

Jamf on Retail

Scripting helps Jamf admins to get the most out of Jamf, but it can be intimidating at first. For those of you thinking “scripting terrifies me,” this blog post is for you.

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Are traditional channel definitions outdated?

Markerketing Experts

Is it time to relook the way we define channels? Some vehemently say that the traditional channel definitions need to be rehauled, others are a bit more cautious, preferring to avoid rocking the proverbial boat. Mike Anthony, Shopper Marketing Experts’ resident expert, weighed in on the topic of traditional channel definitions. . He says that “one of the first challenges is that the traditional definitions have been used for a long time.” .

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Disruption Reimagined: How to Conquer, Not Crumble, During Supply Chain Instability

Speaker: Robyn O’Brien - Founder of Sirona Ventures, Adjunct Professor at Rice University’s Business School, Supply Chain Optimization and Logistics Expert

Today’s supply chain leaders are required to stay strong in the face of disruption and not only accept it, but embrace it – after all, progress is made outside of your comfort zone. While it’s easier said than done, conquering the fear of instability in your supply chain is within your reach. Thanks to the advancement of technology and AI, we now have more tools and resources at our disposal than ever before to conquer, not crumble, in the face of uncertainty.