Walmart Tests Tiny Stores in Vacation Spots

July 5, 2023

Walmart is testing tiny stores in popular vacation destinations, far from its traditional big-box format. The stores are called General Markets and are about 1,500 square feet, which is about one-tenth the size of a typical Walmart. They carry a limited selection of products, including snacks, drinks, souvenirs, and beach gear.

The first General Market opened in Destin, Florida, in 2021. Since then, Walmart has opened several more stores in popular vacation spots, including Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The company plans to open more General Markets in the coming years.

Walmart is testing the General Market concept in response to the changing needs of consumers. More and more people are vacationing in smaller, more remote destinations, where there are not as many big-box stores. The General Market format allows Walmart to reach these consumers with a convenient and affordable option for shopping.

The General Market stores are also designed to be more environmentally friendly than traditional Walmarts. They use energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and they are made with recycled materials.

The early results of the General Market test have been positive. The stores have been well-received by customers, and they have generated strong sales. Walmart is confident that the General Market concept has the potential to be a successful long-term strategy.

Here are some of the key points of the article:

  • Walmart is testing tiny stores called General Markets in popular vacation destinations.
  • The stores are about 1,500 square feet, which is about one-tenth the size of a typical Walmart.
  • They carry a limited selection of products, including snacks, drinks, souvenirs, and beach gear.
  • The first General Market opened in Destin, Florida, in 2021.
  • Walmart plans to open more General Markets in the coming years.
  • The General Market format is designed to reach consumers in smaller, more remote destinations.
  • The stores are also designed to be more environmentally friendly than traditional Walmarts.
  • The early results of the General Market test have been positive.

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