Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

Girl Scout Cookie Prices Have Increased This Year

February 5, 2024

Some Girl Scout councils are raising the prices of their cookies in 2024. Simply put, inflation is taking a bite out of the year’s most significant sweet treat sales.

Rising costs at the two commercial bakeries that make the cookies are the reason for the inflated prices. On Sept. 28, 2023, CNN reported that Girl Scout Cookie prices would increase from $5 to $6.

However, some councils in certain locations, including New York, are raising prices even higher to $7, according to The New York Times.

The sales, which occur from January through April, help the girls learn business and financial skills and earn money to fund their Girl Scouting goals. Through cookie sales, every Girl Scout learns goal setting, money management, people skills, decision-making, and business ethics.

NPR quoted Wendy Lou, chief revenue officer for the Girls Scouts of the USA. She said that, like many other products you see worldwide, “our Girl Scout cookies are not immune to a lot of the same rising costs.”

“That’s part of the conversation we’ll have this year,” Lou continued. “It really is a little microcosm of what it’s like to run your business and deal with the real pressures — including inflation.”

The annual cookie sales fund several vital projects for the organization. These include the ability to offer financial assistance to Girl Scout families at $146,000 a year, according to the official Girl Scout website of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois.

Also provided are summer camps, equestrian programs, and year-round maintenance of three camp properties, estimated at $1,200,000 per year. Finally, the increased prices will make it possible to fund volunteer training opportunities, events, and programs for Girl Scouts, which run $3,311,000 per year.

This marks the first significant price hike for some councils since 2015 when boxes went from $4 to $5. The new pricing took effect on Jan. 9, the first day of Girl Scout Cookie season, and will also be reflected online when those sales begin on Feb. 16.

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