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Photo by Filios Sazeides on Unsplash

Airbnb Bans Indoor Cameras, Ensuring Privacy for Guests

March 11, 2024

In a recent announcement, Airbnb declared a global ban on indoor security cameras within its listings. Previously, hosts were permitted to install indoor security cameras in common areas, as long as they were openly disclosed on the listing page and placed in visible locations. However, the new policy categorically prohibits indoor security cameras in any part of the property, irrespective of prior disclosure.

Juniper Downs, Airbnb’s head of community policy and partnerships, emphasized the company’s intention to establish clear guidelines for its community. The decision to implement this policy was made after consultation with guests, hosts, and privacy experts. It reflects Airbnb’s commitment to ensuring the safety and privacy of its users.

While the majority of Airbnb listings currently don’t feature indoor security cameras, hosts who do have them installed must remove them by April 30 to comply with the new policy. Failure to do so could result in consequences, such as the removal of listings or accounts from the platform. This proactive measure aims to maintain trust and transparency within the Airbnb community.

Outdoor security cameras, like doorbell cameras, remain permissible on Airbnb properties. However, hosts are required to inform guests about the presence and general location of any outdoor cameras before they book their stay. This ensures that guests can make informed decisions about their privacy and security during their visit.

The use of indoor security cameras has been a source of contention among travelers using the platform. The update follows a recent “Saturday Night Live” skit that humorously highlighted the discomfort of guests with the notion of cameras in Airbnb bathrooms. This cultural conversation underscores the importance of addressing privacy concerns in the evolving landscape of hospitality.

By banning indoor security cameras, Airbnb aims to reassure guests about their privacy during their stays. This move aligns with growing concerns regarding surveillance and privacy in the hospitality industry.

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