20 Fantastic Marketing Ideas for Black Friday

marketing ideas for black friday

Are you looking for some fantastic marketing ideas to help with your Black Friday promotions? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we will share 20 of the best marketing tips for Black Friday.

So, whether you are planning a big sale or just want to get ahead of the competition, be sure to read on.

What Is Black Friday Marketing?

Black Friday is a marketing term used to describe the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. The day after Thanksgiving is traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year as many retailers offer promotional sales to kick off the holiday season.

Retailers will usually have their Black Friday sale at their physical locations as well as their online store. A Cyber Monday sale is also common and occurs the Monday after Thanksgiving.

marketing ideas for black friday

How Do Black Friday Deals Benefit Small Businesses?

There are many ways a Black Friday deal can benefit a small business during the holiday season. Here are five of them:

  • Attract new customers. A Black Friday deal can help online retailers attract new customers who are looking for great deals on holiday gifts.
  • Sell out inventory. If your product is popular, a Black Friday deal can help you sell out of inventory and clear space for new products.
  • Spreads the word. Black Friday deals can help you generate positive word-of-mouth marketing as loyal customers tell their friends and family about your great deals.
  • Builds brand awareness. A Black Friday deal can help you build brand awareness as more people are exposed to your company and products.
  • Increases sales. Black Friday deals can help increase your sales during the holiday season, which is typically the busiest time of year for retailers.


Useful Black Friday Marketing Ideas

Here are some of the best Black Friday ideas to help you put your Black Friday marketing strategy into action.

To provide a quick glimpse of the various strategies, here’s a comparison table summarizing key marketing ideas for Black Friday:

Marketing StrategyBrief DescriptionPlatform or Medium
Free Gift with PurchaseAttract customers with freebies.In-store/Online
Social Media PostsPromote deals & specific products.Social Media
Flash SaleShort-term, steep discounts.In-store/Online
Contest or GiveawayEngage customers with rewards.Social Media/Website
Early Black Friday SaleOutpace competitors with early sales.In-store/Online
Landing PageDedicate a space for Black Friday details.Website
Black Friday HashtagsPromote and create brand-specific hashtags.Social Media
Weekend DiscountsExtend sales beyond Black Friday.In-store/Online
Free ShippingIncentivize online shopping with free delivery.Online
Exclusive Deals for Email SubscribersPersonalized deals for newsletter audience.Email Marketing
Influencer CollaborationLeverage influencers for added reach.Social Media/Blogs
Early Bird DiscountsPre-sale discounts.Social Media/Website
Website Sale PromotionDisplay deals prominently on site.Website
Doorbuster DealsHighest discounts to attract early shoppers.In-store
Loyalty DiscountsReward regular customers.In-store/Online
GiveawaysEngage audiences with prize contests.Social Media/Website
Scavenger HuntFun, engaging discounts discovery.In-store/Online
Referral DiscountsReward customers for bringing in friends.In-store/Online
Local Business CollaborationMutual promotions with nearby stores.In-store/Local Ads
Brand CollaborationsJoint ventures with complementary brands.In-store/Online

1. Offer a Free Gift with Purchase

Black Friday is an event when shoppers are on the lookout for value-driven deals, and what’s better than an added incentive?

By offering a free gift with every purchase, not only are you luring in potential customers, but you’re also enhancing their overall shopping experience. This gesture creates a sense of appreciation.

However, the key is to ensure the free gift complements the main product or service. For instance, if you’re a cosmetics store, a small makeup bag could be the free gift.

This ensures the gift is not just a throwaway item but something that adds value.

2. Engage with Social Media Posts

In today’s digital age, the power of social media in marketing campaigns, especially for events like Black Friday, cannot be overstated.

Beyond just announcing sales, platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter offer a platform to showcase products in action, perhaps through short videos or customer testimonials.

Additionally, interactive content, such as polls or quizzes about which products should go on sale, can foster deeper customer engagement.

Leveraging influencers or reposting customer content can also amplify reach and provide a more authentic promotional angle.


3. Hold a Flash Sale

Flash sales, when executed well, can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity, driving customers to act quickly. Given that Black Friday itself is a limited-time event, incorporating a flash sale can intensify this urgency.

However, it’s essential to maintain transparency during such promotions. This includes clearly specifying the duration of the sale, stock availability, and potential delivery times.

It could also be beneficial to have a countdown timer to emphasize the limited nature of the deal. Alerting customers via email or SMS a few hours before can also ensure higher participation.

4. Run a Contest or Giveaway

Everyone loves the opportunity to win something, especially if it’s valuable. Running a contest or giveaway not only serves as an additional incentive but also expands your brand’s reach through participants sharing and promoting the contest.

When designing the contest, think of ways it can promote user-generated content. Maybe it’s a photo contest where users submit pictures using your product, or perhaps a tag-a-friend challenge.

Always ensure the rules are clear, prizes are relevant and enticing, and winners are announced in a timely and transparent manner.



5. Early Black Friday Sale

Having an early Black Friday sale is a great way to get ahead of the competition. Many retailers will wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start their Black Friday sales.

However, you can start your sale early and promote it in advance. This will give your customers a chance to shop your sale before the crowds arrive.

6. Have a Landing Page

Having a landing page is a great Black Friday marketing idea for an online retailer. Creating a landing page for your Black Friday sale will help promote your deals and drive traffic to your website.

Your landing page should include all of the details of your sale, including the start and end date, the discounts you are offering, and any other special offers.

7. Black Friday Hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to promote your sale on social media and should be included as part of any Black Friday marketing strategies. Be sure to use relevant hashtags when promoting your sale.

You can also create a branded hashtag for your sale. This is a great way to build brand awareness and get your customers involved.

marketing idea for black friday

8. Black Friday Weekend Discounts

Extending Black Friday sales and discounts to include the shopping weekend is a great way to increase sales. Many shoppers wait until the weekend to do their Black Friday shopping.

By offering discounts all weekend long, you can attract more shoppers to your store.



9. Offer Free Shipping

In the world of e-commerce, shipping costs can often be a deterrent for potential buyers. This Black Friday, eliminating that obstacle by offering free shipping can be a game-changer.

Free shipping not only provides monetary savings for customers but also simplifies the decision-making process. With consumers comparing deals across different platforms, this added perk can significantly tilt the scales in your favor.

For businesses, while there might be a short-term cost, the long-term benefits of attracting more customers, increasing sales volume, and potentially clearing out inventory make it a worthwhile strategy.

10. Exclusive Deals for Email Subscribers

In the age of information overload, personalizing offers for your most loyal customers – your email subscribers, can make all the difference.

These individuals have shown a keen interest in your brand, and rewarding them with exclusive Black Friday deals can further cement their loyalty.

Tailoring special deals, early-bird access, or even sneak peeks can make them feel valued. Moreover, leveraging email marketing allows you to bypass the noise on social media, delivering your promotions straight to the customer’s inbox.

This strategy not only boosts sales but also reinforces the benefits of being a subscribed member, encouraging more sign-ups in the future.

marketing ideas black friday

More Black Friday Ideas for Small Businesses

Black Friday marketing campaigns can be a great way to promote your small business. Here are more ideas for you:

11. Work With an Influencer

Giving an influencer early access to your Black Friday deals is a great way to generate buzz for your sale. You can work with an influencer to promote your sale on social media or on their blog or website.

12. Offer Early Bird Discounts

Offering early bird discounts is a great way to get your customers excited about your Black Friday deals. You can promote your early bird discounts on social media or on your website.

Be sure to let your customers know when the discounts will be available.

13. Black Friday Sale on your Website

If you have an eCommerce website, be sure to promote your Black Friday deals on your website. You can create a landing page for your sale as mentioned earlier or offer discounts on your products.

Keep customers updated on your deals by sharing news on social media or through email marketing.

14. Offer Doorbuster Deals

Doorbuster deals are a great way to attract customers to your store. You can start with your biggest discounts and work your way down.

Be sure to promote your doorbuster deals in advance so that your customers know when to come to your store.

15. Discount for Loyal Customers

Giving your best customers a discount is a great way to show them how much you appreciate their business. You can offer a loyalty discount for your Black Friday sale. This can be done through email marketing, on social media, or on your website.

16. Giveaways

Giving away prizes is a great way to attract attention to your Black Friday sale. You can run a contest on social media or on your website. You can give each person an entry into your contest whenever they share information about your sale on different social media platforms.

17. Black Friday Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great way to get customers engaged with your Black Friday sale. You can hide discounts around your store or online and let your customers find them. This is a great way to increase traffic to your physical store or website.

18. Offer a Discount for Referrals

Offering a discount for referrals is a great way to increase word-of-mouth marketing for your Black Friday sale. You can offer a discount to customers who refer their friends to your store. This is an awesome way to increase traffic and sales.

19. Team Up With Other Local Businesses

Teaming up with other local businesses is a great way to promote your Black Friday sale. You can partner with a nearby business to offer discounts or giveaways. This is a great way to get new customers and support your local community.

marketing ideas black friday



20. Collaborate With Other Brands

Collaborating with other brands is a great way to cross-promote your limited-time sales and discounts. You can team up with a complementary brand to offer discounts or have a contest. This will help you reach a new audience and increase traffic to your store.

What Is the Best Selling Product on Black Friday?

The best-selling product on Black Friday changes every year. However, some of the hottest items always include TVs, laptops, and tablets. Black Friday is the best time to buy holiday gifts, so items like toys and clothing are also very popular every year.

What Strategies Do Stores Use to Attract More Black Friday Sales?

There are a few key strategies that stores use to attract more sales on Black Friday. Some of these Black Friday promotion ideas and strategies include offering doorbuster deals, teaming up with other businesses, and collaborating with other brands. By using solid Black Friday marketing ideas, both physical and online stores can increase traffic and sales on Black Friday.

Image: Envato Elements

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Kevin Ocasio Kevin Ocasio is a staff writer for Small Business Trends and has been with the team for 2 years. He holds certifications in SEO, digital marketing, and content marketing. Kevin is also certified in Information Technology Technical Support Fundamentals.